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Sunday, April 5, 2015

This Digital Savy Nun Builds Websites, Apps To Keep Monastery Going

Catherine Wybourne's twitter handle, @Digitalnun, sums it up perfectly. Yes, she's a Benedictine nun who also happens to run her own full service digital company to keep her cloistered monastery self-sustaining.

Sister Catherine Wybourne @Digitalnun Twitter
Image credit: Twitter

Friday, April 3, 2015

Arnold Schwarzenegger says Indiana Religious Freedom Law Bad For Country & GOP

Actor and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger expressed his strong opposition to Indiana's Religious Freedom saying the measure is "bad for the country and bad for the Republican party."

image credit: wikimedia commons

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Stephen King Will Kill Daryl In The Walking Dead Season 6

April's Fools Day prank or not fans of the popular series The Walking Dead (TWD) are in uproar after author Stephen King announced he has been tapped to write the season 6 opening episode and hinted he will be killing a character "who carries a crossbow."

Image credit: screenshot

Friday, March 27, 2015

Facebook's Mighty Drones and Satellites Will Soon Beam Down Internet Access

Consider yourself lucky. The fact that you're reading this post makes you one of the 2.7 Billion fortunate humans who have access to the internet. This also means that the rest of the remaining 5 billion or so earthlings are still offline. No Google. No Facebook. Sucks right?

Well, Facebook and friends want to change all that with is a Facebook-led initiative bringing together technology leaders, nonprofits and local communities to connect the two thirds of the world that don’t have internet access. partners include Qualcomm, Nokia, Samsung, Mediatek, Ericsson and Opera.

Facebook-led will be deploying huge drones to beam down internet
Image credit: Facebook

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Germanwings Flight 9525 Probe: Only One Pilot Was In Cockpit During Crash - NY Times

Update: French authorities now believe that the Germanwings Airbus was deliberately crashed by the lone pilot in the cockpit. Prosecutor Brice Robin didn't say if the act was terrorism-related.)

The New York Times has a live update on the investigation which can be viewed via this link:

An investigator of the Germanwings flight 9525 that crashed in the French Alps revealed to the New York Times that one of the pilots left the cockpit but wasn't let back in by the other pilot based on the evidence gathered from the cockpit voice recorder.

Germanwings Flight 9525
Image source: By SEBASTIEN MORTIER via Wikimedia Commons
The New York Times quoted the source, an unidentified senior military official involved in the investigation, saying: “The guy outside is knocking lightly on the door and there is no answer. And then he hits the door stronger and no answer. There is never an answer.” 

The source also said: “You can hear he is trying to smash the door down.”

Watch These Guys Try To Sell Microsoft Products Inside An Apple Store

Picture this: you're checking out the latest phones and gadgets inside an Apple store when out of the blue an Apple employee (at least he's dressed like one) tells you straight up that their products suck and you are better off with Microsoft. 

A WTF! moment right? 

Well, that's exactly what happened to a half-dozen customers inside an Apple store when four guys from NelkFilmz, a Youtube channel known for its prank videos, impersonated themselves as Apple employees.
One of the Nelfilmz guys telling an Apple customer to buy Microsoft product
Image credit: Youtube